"An Umbrella in Case of Rain, Art and Poetry for the Soul- Volume 1," is a collection of Lisa's original inspirational art and poetry.
Lisa's colorful imagery combined wth her uplifting and heart warming poetry makes the perfect collectible coffee table book, great to give as a gift or purchase for for yourself.
Softcover $29.99
Hardcover $39.99
(not including shipping)

I am the Captain of the Ship 
By Lisa M Cliff
For it is my big life to live
My big dreams to fully give
Meaning to the essence of me
Permission to flourish and fly free
Making a conscious choice to dance
Never a victim of circumstance
Positive people are my friends
Others simply can’t come in
Blessed with the will to be free
The queen of my own destiny
I am the captain of this ship
Of my destiny I take ownership
Order your copy today!
amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com